пятница, 14 сентября 2012 г.

BUSINESS CALENDAR - The Buffalo News (Buffalo, NY)

The Business Calendar runs each Sunday in the Business section.Notices of meetings, seminars and workshops of interest to thesBuffalo-area business community should be sent to the Business NewsDesk of The News, Box 100, Buffalo, N.Y. 14240, by the precedingThursday.



The Air Waste Management Association will meet for a social hourat 5:30 and dinner at 6:30 p.m. in Michael's Banquet Facility, 4885Southwestern Blvd., Hamburg. Dave Gordon of Indoor Air Professionalswill speak on 'Mold.' The cost, which includes dinner, is $25 formembers and $28 for nonmembers. For information and reservations,call Mike Carlton at 282-2676, ext. 221.



The Cheektowaga Chamber of Commerce Apple Corps Networking Groupwill meet at 8 a.m. in Apple's Deli, Apple Tree Business Park, 2875Union Road, Cheektowaga. Guest speaker is Jerry Glaser of IntegrityDistribution. For information or reservations, call the Chamber at684-5838.


The Lancaster Area Chamber of Commerce will meet for breakfastand informal networking at 8 a.m. at the Olive Tree Restaurant, 5240Broadway, Lancaster.


The Amherst Chapter of Business Networking International, anetworking group for sales professionals and business owners, willmeet at 7 a.m., in the Marriott Hotel, 1340 Millershport Highway,Amherst. New Members are welcome. For information, call 834-8660 or316-0141.

The Buffalo Business Network will meet at 5:30 p.m. in JacksPlace, 1424 Millersport Highway. For information, call 634-5966.

The Niagara Frontier Intellectual Property Law Association andthe Technical Societies Council of the Niagara Frontier will hold an'Inventor of the Year' banquet at 5:30 p.m. in the Hyatt RegencyHotel. The cost is $50 a person; $75 a couple. For information orreservations, call Susan Braun at 848-1332.


Brainstorm -- The Communicators Club of Buffalo will host thesecond annual ADDY Awards, an awards competition for Western NewYork advertising, at 7 p.m in Albright-Knox Art Gallery, 1285Elmwood Ave. Cocktails will begin at 6 p.m. Dress is creative blacktie. A Chinese auction will be held to benefit Brainstorm'sScholarship Fund. For ticket information, call Tina Pastwik at 693-3807 or visit www.brainstormbuffalo.com.


Health Care Industries Association Executive Breakfast Seriesfrom 7:30 to 9 a.m. at The Buffalo Club, 388 Delaware Ave., willfeature speaker Ken Weixel, deputy national partner of Health Careand Life Sciences at Deloitte and Touche, on 'The Impact of Sarbanes/Oxley Act of 2002 on the Health Care and Life Sciences Companies forPublic, Private and Non-Profit Organizations.' The cost is $25 formembers, $35 for nonmembers. RSVP to the HCIA at 829-3888 or fax 829-3885 or E-mail rashman@buffalo.edu or visit Website www.wnyhcia.com.


The Buffalo-Niagara Chapter of the International Coach Federationwill meet at 6:15 p.m. in the United Way, 742 Delaware Ave. Guestspeaker John Buckley will present 'Stress Management.' Forinformation, call Bonnie Ross at 893-3702 or email atbonnie@rosscoaches.com.



Niagara County Community College Department of CorporateTraining, the OSHA Training Institute Education Center for Region 2,will conduct a 24-hour OSHA #503 Update for General IndustryOutreach Trainers from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 50 Main St., Lockport.The cost is $525 per person. For information and registration, call433-1856, ext. 10.


The Research Center for Stroke and Heart Disease at The JacobsNeurological Institute, Buffalo General Hospital of Kaleida Healthand the Niagara Health Quality Coalition will sponsor a free WesternNew York Employer 'Listen Up!' Health Seminar on Employee Alertnessand Productivity from noon to 4:30 p.m. in the Adams Mark Hotel, 120Church St. The seminar will examine the impact of sleep deprivationon employees and look at ways to address the problem. Featuredspeakers are doctors Allan Pack, Daniel Rifkin and Sandra Block.Lunch is included. For information or reservations, call 859-3900 orvisit www.strokeheart.org.


Moldenhauer and Associates will hold a free financial planningdinner seminar titled, 'Quality Life-100' at 6 p.m. in Michael'sBanquet Facility, 4885 Southwestern Blvd., Hamburg. For informationand registration, call 662-4361.


Phillips, Lytle, Hitchcock, Blaine and Huber will present a one-day seminar addressingthe provisions of the Health InsurancePortability and Accountability Act from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in theHyatt Regency Buffalo, Two Fountain Plaza. Attorneys Lisa McDougall,William R. Cowden and Christopher Viney will present an overview ofthe act, exam the most recent HHHS guidance, business associates forHIPAA, protected health information and security regulations. Thecost per person is $279; for two or more, $269 each. The seminar hasbeen approved in accordance with the requirements of the New YorkContinuing Legal Education Board for 7 credit hours. Forinformation, call 833-3940; reservations, call 883-3959 or visitwww.lorman.com.

The Center for Professional Development at Canisius College willoffer an insurance course in property and liability insuranceprinciples from 5 to 7 p.m. in the Canisius Center at Amherst, 300Corporate Parkway. The course continues on Thursdays through May 15.The $235 cost does not include books and materials. For informationor reservations, call 862-4600.

Saperston Asset Management and American Skandia will offer a freeseminar on 529 College Savings Plans at 6 p.m. in the Kenmore PublicLibrary, 160 Delaware Road, Kenmore. For information orreservations, call David Braunstein at 854-7591, ext. 246 or emailnitrosawn@aol.com


The Western New York-Ontario Chapter of the Appraisal Instituteand the Chautauqua County Planning Department will offer a seminartitled 'The Economic Prognosis of Cattaraugus County and Region'from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Holiday Valley Ski Resort, Ellicottville.The seminar will focus on the economic expansion in the SouthernTier. The $60 cost includes lunch. For information or registration,call Sue Fretz at 632-2100.


Moldenhauer and Associates will hold a free financial planningdinner seminar titled, 'Quality Life-100' at 6 p.m. in The Lodge,2090 Bowen Road, Elma. For information and registration, call 662-4361.

Tech State Computer Training Center will hold a free networksecurity seminar from 7 to 9 p.m. in Tech State Computer Training,3990 McKinley Parkway, Blasdell. For information or registration,call 649-1400.

The Buffalo Cosmetology Association will sponsor a health classfor technicians using Reiki and Pilates techniques at 7:30 p.m. inthe Harkness Center, 99 Aero Drive, Williamsville. There is no costfor NCA members and $15 for nonmembers. For information, call 681-1189.


PremCom Group will present the PremCom Roadshow from 8 a.m. to3:30 p.m. in the Canisius Center at Amherst, Corporate Parkway.Seminars will be offered on Citrix Systems, Web development, andnetwork security. There is no charge. For information orreservations, call 691-0791 or visit www.premcomgroup.com.

The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority'sFinger Lakes Energy Smart Communities program is hosting a freeenergy-efficiency workshop in cooperation with the Batavia BusinessImprovement District from 6:30 to 8 p.m. in the Masonic TempleBuilding, 200 East Main St., Batavia. For information, call DonBurkel at 344-0900.